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Sally Goes To A Photo Shoot

Post #1

Sally Goes To A Photo ShootAndy loved taking pictures of his lovely wife, Sally. The pictures often drew praise from friends and family, and this led to Sally thinking about a career in modelling. With Andy?s support, she took some modelling lessons and applied for work.It was disappointing at first. Many times an interviewer would ask her to remove her clothing; the result was always the same: either Sally stocked out in an angry fit or the company rejected her application. It was clear to both Sally and Andy that she would have to take some clothes off just to get started.?Just to get started.? That became Sally?s justification for everything that happened.At last an interview went well. In an old building on the 4th floor, she spoke to a portly gentleman of middle age, sweating and balding and getting chubby, and showed him some of Andy?s photographs. This time when he asked her to remove her blouse, she did. But she was relieved to hear him say that she looked good in a bra and they were looking for someone for a lingerie ad.Delighted, she accepted the job and was asked to return the next day at 2 p.m. After she left, Baldy called his partner, Griff. ?We?ve got another hot one. Great tits and cunt, but a little shy. Work her over carefully. She is anxious to get into the modelling business.? They both laughed cruel laughs. Baldy hung up and returned to licking the cunt of a young model just finished her photo shoot with the black camera crew.Sally arrived promptly at their studios on the 5th floor. The large floor area in the old factory had been divided into various sets used for photo shoots. Sally was impressed with the variety of sets. She was surprised when Griff came from his office and introduced himself. He was the tallest black man that Sally had ever met, and he wore an Italian suit with an elegant tie, and he smelled good. ?Hello, Sally. It?s good to meet you. I?m Griff.? He flashed an incredible smile and took her hand, then lingered and brought her hand to his lips. ?It?s always wonderful to meet a new model.?Sally was nervous at this kind of attention. ?So Griff,? she asked with a furrow in her brow, ?what kind of lingerie am I modelling? I mean, do you know my bra size?? Griff laughed softly at that. ?Don?t worry, Sally, It will be alright.? She could hear a little Jamaican in his accent. ?We have all sizes and types of lingerie for you to try on this afternoon. That means bras, panties, and girdles. So let?s just go and have fun. What do you say??Who could disagree with that? Sally certainly was not inclined to disagree, although something bothered her. It wasn?t until much later that she realized he had mentioned panties. They wanted her to model panties. Little did she know. The photo shoot was set up to become a porn shoot.He led her around the corner to a set like the living room in a typical suburban house. From another direction, two other ladies appeared with racks full of clothes. Sally was delighted and immediately the clothes chatter arose, which is why Sally missed the entrance of the camera crew. It wasn?t until some of the bright lights came on that she realized they were there, and they were black. Griff arrived with more black crew members and began to set the scene. He approved a simple white combo for Sally, and she looked around for a place to change.Griff stared at her, eyebrows raised in question. ?I.. I ? Where?s the change room?? she blurted out. In her mind, a model must have a dressing room. He chuckled. ?We can?t afford dressing rooms, Sally. As you know, we can?t pay you much, but it?s a start for both of us, and if things go well, I guess we will see, won?t we???Sssoo,? Sally blurted looking around at the other women and getting only sympathetic smiles, as though Sally was getting weird. ?I can?t change right here. Everyone will see me naked!? she cried in some distress.Griff came to her and put his arm around her shoulder. ?It?s OK, Sally. Really. These folks are all professionals and have seen it before. They have a job to do and so do you. So let?s get the underwear on and the shoot under way. Time is money, people.?This urgency in his voice found an audience who then stared at Sally who was still in her street clothes. She muttered ?just for a start? to herself as she disrobed, sliding her bra from her shoulders artfully and quickly snatching up the black lace number for the shoot, settling the cups in place on her ample boobs.The panties were difficult for her. She was so nervous with everyone looking that she stumbled out of her panties and half fell forward, catching herself on the edge of a coffee table and reeling backwards, to the delight of the crew who got a clear view of her ample pussy mound with its triangle of dark auburn hair. Griff thought to himself, ?That hair will have to go. It?s not industry standard for porn.? Things settled down for Sally. Each new lingerie set seemed to inspire her as she posed for Griff and the camera crew. She hardly noticed that the undergarments became more and more revealing. Finally, they handed her another set in black silk with odd flaps sewn over the nipples and crotch.As Griff directed her, she lounged on the sofa in the fake living room and twisted and turned for poses while the cameras flashed.Griff waved to her. ?Can you sit up a bit, love? That?s cool.? More camera flashes. ?Now Sally, can you see the black flaps on your bra? Yes? Good. Just pull them down for the next set of pics.?To Sally?s shock, the flaps had covered her nipples, which were now naked. And the cameras were already flashing. ?Steady, girl? she told herself. ?It?s just for a start.?But more was to come. Griff pretended to speak sharply to a crew member and turned suddenly on Sally. ?C?mon now, Sally. It?s getting late. The other flap, please. The crew are waiting.?The other flap she was sure covered her pussy, and down it would have to come. She had no time to think or react, other than to follow directions. Down came the flap and flash went the cameras. Sally?s pussy was now on record as the men in the crew hid their smiles.As the camera crew and costume girls began to pack up, Sally approached Griff. ?How did I do? I felt so self-conscious, especially at the end there. I?m glad Marg and Marie are here to help with the clothes.??Sure, sugar. They are a good crew and they loved you. You know, Joey over there said that you?re a natural, and I agree. You have a natural freshness, an outgoing friendliness, and wicked sense of humor. And you have a tanned and fit body. You would do well as a nude model. Did you know that Andy set me a nude photo in that batch of promotional photos he sent with you?? Sally stared at the photo. She was nude on the beach during their summer vacation. Then she stared at Griff. She thought about his offer and almost walked away, but she really wanted to establish herself as a model, so she stood silent, torn, not knowing what to do. Griff patted her shoulder to reassure her. ?It?s OK, Sally. It?s no big deal. Lots of models do nudes. Marg and Marie are both nude models, right girls??Both nodded. Marg told Sally, ?I know it seems like something sleazy, but it really is not. It is more like the boudoir photos people like to take privately or the old publicity photos of New Orleans hookers. There is a good market for nudes, and it pays ten times a regular shoot.?Ten times. Griff had confirmed it. Sally thought about the renovations she wanted at home and the Caribbean vacation she wanted to book, all possible if she took off her clothes. Well, just this once, she thought. She shivered with sexual energy at the thought what she was about to do.Griff led her to another part of the cavernous studio where they found a set that looked like an old time brothel with crimson brocade d****s and padded settees and mirrors on walls and on the ceiling. Again the crew was setting up and the women brought period clothes for Sally to try on. The idea was that Sally would be a hooker posing for publicity photos.The old corset was tight. Sally didn?t like that. But it also pushed up her breasts, which Griff really liked and decided to begin the shoot with images of her full breasts captured in silk and whalebone. Then it was on to her frilly skirt, a low angle shot that exposed the fact she wore no underwear. So the corset was gone to Sally?s great relief and then the skirt, and there was our Sally, naked as the day she was born.Her inner exhibitionist took over in the excitement of being nude in front of strangers. She pouted and kissed at the camera, played with her toes while flashing her cunt at the crew, and leaning toward the camera for a panoramic shot of her breasts. On and on she went, becoming more and more inventive and provocative in her poses, talking to Griff and working with his suggestions, until Griff said, ?OK Sally, spread your legs.?She stopped and sat up on the settee, looking down quickly. ?Why do you want me to do that?? she asked plaintively. She knew the answer. Griff wanted her to cross the line between tasteful soft-core nudes and pornographic exposures of all her naked treasures. Every woman knows that line. It appears whenever a man orders ?Spread your legs?.Rolling her eyes skyward as if asking the divine for guidance, she thought of Andy and what he would say. With that thought, the answer came. Yes, of course Andy would approve. After all, he had taken such photos of her already. She spread her legs.More directions from Giff. ?Hold your breasts. Pinch your nipples. Put your finger in your mouth. Put your finger in your pussy. Hold your pussy lips open. Put your finger in your ass.?Each new direction seemed more outrageous than the last. Sally?s disbelieving mind struggled with the raw reality of this photo shoot. She realized there were no rules, no limits to what they would make her do for the camera. When it was over, the crew once more began packing up. Sally was now so energized by the experience of being photographed nude that she bounced up to Griff and exclaimed, ?That was awesome. I would love to do it again.? It was an honest feeling, but she also felt the financial pressure, the need for more pay.?Griff stopped and looked her up and down. He rubbed his chin. ?Hmmm, that?s good, Sally. I love your enthusiasm, and you photograph really well. I mean dynamite, girl.? Sally laughed. ?So, we have an open time slot right now for another shoot, if you are interested. This is kind of a specialty photo set for a client.??Yeah, sure,? Sally responded with a big grin. It was if Griff had read her mind.?Well, before you say ?yes?, I better explain. This is a soft-core bondage scene, so you would be naked and restrained. Not much different from the nude stuff you just did, except you would be tied up.? She paused, still listening. ?If you like, we can look at the set and see what you would have to do.? That seemed reasonable, so she nodded.The set was large, a dark room with low ceilings and bondage furniture. In the middle of the set was a large gyno chair. Griff brought a set of ankle and wrist cuffs and began attaching them to Sally who stood stock still with fright as he buckled the leather cuffs and removed her clothing. As he was working, he slyly checked out her ass, tits, and pussy. They would do well on prominent display.Without really agreeing to anything, Sally let Griff take her to the chair and secure her wrists to the head rest and her ankles to the stirrups. His deep masculine voice was calm and self-assured, a chocolate brown sweet syrup that lulled her spider sense to sleep. His strong hands were warm and gentle as he clipped the buckles on her cuffs to chair anchors, and he told her a funny story about a model who had gone home on the subway still wearing her bondage cuffs.Then the mobile camera guy moved around her supine form, framing her fleshy thighs and the perky puddles of her breasts. All the time her eyes moved with him, and she tried to make small talk and jokes because she was in fact terrified. She realized that her bonds were real, and in that position, they could do anything with her they wanted. Her breathing came faster and shallower as she began to panic.?Easy now, sweetie,? Griff soothed. ?He?s just taking all the angles we need for the shoot. There?s really nothing for you to do except look pretty ? and you do, of course.? He held her gaze, and she calmed. ?Now this is a porn shoot, so we need the standard crotch shot. I?m going to spread the stirrups, Sally. Just remember it?s for the extra money.?Indeed his offer this second time had been generous, so Sally thought about that as he swung the stirrups wide and the cameras zoomed in. Then to her dismay, quietly out of nowhere came the rest of the crew: all men, all black, and all naked.?Oh oh ? oh what?s that? What?s happening?? Sally demanded in a panic. Griff waved the men to stop. ?It?s just part of the fake bondage scene we are trying to create, Sally.? He could see her initial panic was turning to anger. ?I should have told you the whole scene first, but we were pressed for time. I hope you understand.? He looked at her wistfully, as if her approval meant everything to him.?They ? they won?t do ? do anything to me? Will they?? She sounded plaintive.?No no, of course not,? Griff assured her. ?They are just here to pose naked with you. There may be some touching in various poses, but nothing sexual.?So the young men surrounded her on the chair and mimed sex acts. One stood tall between her legs and pretended to put his long black cock into her cunt. His cock head actually did touch her vulva. She could feel it, and it sent and electric charge through her. What would it feel like? Oh no, I can?t. What would Andy say? Finally she came wearily back to her original motive for doing all these things for Griff: ?It?s just a start.? There would be other, better jobs.A young black man, slim and athletic with a huge penis, hovered by her head. Griff asked her to open her mouth when the young man advanced his cock toward it and pretend to suck him. The cameras flashed for that one. Another older black gentleman with a dignified look and substantial penis stretched out his hand toward her right breast, and the camera angle made it look like fondling.It was over quickly for Sally. She was suddenly alone as the crew disappeared, leaving only Griff. Oddly, they left the cameras and lights.She was relieved when Griff strolled over to her, she thought to release her from her bonds. Instead, he stood for a long moment looking down at her superb naked form: the rolling hills of her breasts, her strong arms and legs, her flat belly, her firm thighs, and the adorable tuft of light brown pubic hair on her Mound of Venus. She stared back and demanded, ?So if we are done, why aren?t you letting me go??He sighed and looked down the hall at all the sets and camera equipment. ?Sally, hasn?t it occurred to you that all this stuff ? the studio, the office, the actors, the equipment ? is way more expensive than a small photography business makes.?He paused to let this sink in.?So who pays for it? We are a business that sells sex to an elite clientele, real sex, sex both live and on video. It brings in a lot of money.?So it was that simple. Money had been her object, and money had betrayed her. She raged. ?Let me out of this chair, you creep. I didn?t ask to be mauled by a bunch of black guys or any guys. We had a deal for a photo shoot. This isn?t photography!? She stopped at calling Griff a bad name. She clung to some shred of decency.Griff just shrugged. ?Yes, yes, of course it?s photography. No big deal. It?s just photography with a particular theme. You?ve enjoyed today up until now, haven?t you??His voice was soothing, hypnotic. Slowly she nodded yes. It was true. She had to admit that she had fun.?And you?ve enjoyed talking to me, haven?t you??Another nod, more enthusiastic than Sally intended.?And you?ve enjoyed my touching you, haven?t you?? he asked, running his warm dry hand over her exposed inner thigh. The tingle ran up her leg and into her loins.Her breathing came faster again as she realized where this was going, and she fought panic.He was there again for her, his hand on her upper thigh, his finger touching her pubic mound. ?Ssshh now, honey c***d. It?s not a big deal. You do it all the time with Andy. Maybe you do it with other people too.? She glared at him. ?Maybe Andy does it with other people too.?Sally began to chuckle. The idea of Andy with another woman seemed so ridiculous that she laughed. The laugh rose to the lights overhead like bright stars in her heaven, the lights that illuminated for the camera her wide spread legs. She was so overcome with giggles that she didn?t notice Griff stripping off his clothes and advancing on her with erect penis. He grasped the left stirrup, unlocked it, and swung it up toward Sally?s ear, locking it in place. By the time he had done the right one, Sally knew she was about to be fucked. Her ass and pussy were now prominently displayed to the camera which had a winking red light to let her know that her red light time was now.Wordlessly, Griff mounted her and experimentally rubbed the head of his cock along her cunt slit. Then he pushed it between the moist warm labia at the bottom of her belly and into her sacred sheath. She built her first orgasm quickly as he rammed his cock hard and fast into her cunt, and when he slowed his pace, her arousal stayed on a plateau, so when he banged her hard and fast again, her loins ran hot with arousal. She even lifted her hips up to meet his assault and groaned at each thrust of his massive black tool.At the moment she felt herself about to spin into another orgasm, he stopped thrusting and removed his penis from her vagina. She whipped her head over to see why he had taken away his marvellous lady pleaser and left her naked body quivering with sexual energy that now had no release. Instead of an answer, she got a flogger. It was a small one Griff took from a cabinet, fifteen or twenty lashes of black leather about a foot long, but soaked in brine to make them stiff and put salt into her wounds.The first stroke fell on her left breast and almost took her breath away. She shrieked, but the second and successive blows fell so fast she couldn?t catch her breath long enough to shriek again. Griff laid red streaks across both breasts, alternating back and forth from left to right, and occasionally hitting a nipple on purpose to hear the extra loud scream.Then he started to move down across her belly to her thighs which caused momentary relief of her sore breasts but then more panic as she realized where he was going with the flogger. Surely he wouldn?t flog my pussy. Would he?Yes, he did. After alternating left and right inner thighs, turning them a delightful shade of deep pink, he turned his attention to her cunt. But the blow she expected never fell.Instead, Marg and Marie arrived with soap, water, and a razor. ?It?s time for clean up,? Marie announced cheerily. Sally stared at her. ?Don?t tell me they did this to you too??Marie giggled and Marg did too. ?Oh of course we did all this stuff. It?s no big deal, and we were paid well. Even got extra benefits.? She held her tongue at that point, and no amount of begging on Sally?s part could find out what extra benefits there were. Meanwhile, the two women had skilfully lathered and shaved Sally?s pussy. Sally thought it felt kind of nice to be bare down there, especially when Marie began to rub fragrant oil into the flesh of Sally?s pubic mound and vulva.It was only when the two women?s asses were disappearing down the hall that Sally began to realize why they had shaved her. But by then, it was too late. The first stroke of the flogger full on her shaved cunt drew a horrifying cry of pain from her lips. Griff paused only for a moment to enjoy her initial screams and then took up a hard and rhythmic beating of her exposed vulva. The screams alternated with crying and deep moans that seemed to issue from her soul.Her cunt turned first deep pink, and then red, and then developed streaks of purple on the round hill of her pussy mound. Griff stopped to inspect the damage and stroke her cunt with his palm and fingers. One finger strayed into her cunt, causing her to wince. He grinned devilishly and mounted her once again. This time he drove his cock home into her cunt with one thrust and set up a furious fucking pace that sparked both cries of pain and groans of delight from Sally. He didn?t slow or stop. Sweat beads stood out on his neck and upper chest. Her own pace of arousal also quickened in spite of the pain in her bruised cunt flesh. Then he stiffened, and she could feel his penis pulsing in her vagina as it delivered its precious load of semen into the deep recesses of her cunt.Until that moment, the subject of birth control had not crossed her mind. She cursed herself for assuming things again. She had assumed the photo shoot would not involve sex, and that was good because she was not on birth control. She made Andy wear condoms. Caught up in the magic of Griff, she lost sight of what he was doing until it was too late. Her cunt was full of his cum now.?Ohhh oh,? she moaned. ?I?m not on birth control. Did you just cum in me?? She feigned more anger than she felt. It had felt really good, exhilarating in fact, the big black cock banging on her pubic mound and blasting cum into her pussy.Griff chuckled again and ignored her question as he rolled off the gyno chair and began to unfasten her. To her shock and surprise when she got off the chair, he swiftly cuffed her hands together behind her back and steered her over to her clothes. ?Wha .. what are you doing? I thought we were finished. Look. The camera crew has packed up and left.?Griff kept walking. ?We are not finished with you. Yes, we will make money from the video we just shot. But the gentlemen who own this building and finance this operation also pay us handsomely for some first hand experience of what they see on the video. So we are going to clean up, having some supper, and then pay them a visit.?The visit required a drive out into the countryside. A long black limousine pulled up in front of the studio building, and a chauffeur helped Sally, still in a filmy dress from the photo shoot, into the back seat alongside Griff. An hour later they were on a narrow gravel road through a mixed forest, a road that seemed to climb upwards with each twist and turn.Eventually the vehicle emerged into a clearing near the crest of a ridge. Nestled against the trees was an old brick mansion with a large porch that wrapped itself around two sides of the building. Some old sheds and a large barn stood off to the side near a trail that led further up the ridge. As the limo pulled up, the front door opened, and a handsome black man of middle age came to greet them.?You must be Sally,? he said as he pulled her from the car and embraced her, grabbing her buttocks with both hands and fondling freely. She was impressed with his cologne and expensive suit, and she was about to ask ?Who are you?? when a ball gag was pushed between her teeth. Reading her thoughts, he said ?Nathaniel? in a not unkind way. Then he was all business.?Inside? came his curt command to the others, and Sally found herself lifted off the ground, carried through the front door, and propelled into a large room off the front hallway. It was in fact an old fashioned living room from the Georgian period, originally two smaller rooms made into one larger one. It featured an oriental rug, overstuffed furniture, and mirrors on the walls. Seated in a large chair was a portly black man in a three-piece suit with a gold watch chain on his vest. Sammy owned a chain of lumberyards and provided wood and hardware for the bondage furniture and sets in the studio where Sally had been stripped and fucked during the photo shoots. His caterpillar moustache quivered over a diabolical smile as he assessed Sally?s obvious assets and concluded his cock would definitely need some action in her tonight.Opposite him sat a short black man of middle age, lean and wiry like a boxer. Harry?s striped suit and flamboyant tie announced him as the successful car dealer he was, owner of f******n dealerships and negotiating for the fifteenth, and his full sensuous lips announced him as the lecher he also was. He was reviewing a contract when Sally entered but rose immediately and embraced her, holding her tight as he danced across the floor with her, smelling her fragrance and feeling her breasts tight against his chest. ?Ho ho? he chortled as he handed her back to the host, the handsome black man in jeans and a half zip who had propelled her into the house. He pushed down on her shoulder to make her sit on the couch. The other two took up positions on either side of her while Griff unloaded a camera bag.Pacing slowly back and forth, Nathaniel said, ?Sally, we have paid for your services. A very large amount of money has now been transferred into your personal account. We will not leave scars or other damage on your body, and we will fuck you. We know you have no birth control at the moment, and that suits our purpose. We want to breed you.?It struck Sally like a thunderclap. A black baby? Impossible! Andy would never allow a black baby in his house.The man read her thoughts. ?We will all breed you tonight, some of us more than once. If you get pregnant, we will look after the c***d. We have the best foster parents already chosen and money settled on the c***d for education and health. We won?t even test for paternity. It?s enough to know it will be a c***d of our group, and our group will see to its future. We can work out visiting arrangements if you want to be part of the c***d?s life.? Sally doubted this would happen, but it was reassuring to know she had an option.Nathaniel really wanted Sally now. She could smell it on him, the way he looked her up and down as he spoke and narrowed his eyes as they landed full on her full breasts and womanly hips. It would be full sexual intercourse, she knew. He would not be stopped now from having his way with her.He methodically removed his clothing and pushed Sally gently onto her back while the car salesman grabbed her ankles and pulled them wide apart over her head. He knelt between her legs, his warm, strong hands always moving over her naked body and his kind, wise eyes fixed on her beautiful face, now bearing a questioning look, as though she wanted to know what he would do next or what he was feeling. As Nathaniel?s poked her cunt experimentally, Sally absently grasped the car salesman?s warm erect cock and stroked it.She stared down between her breasts and across her heaving belly to her cunt mound that rose gently between her legs, her vulva stretching open and vulnerable between lightly tanned thighs which a stranger now held obscenely wide apart. Nathaniel?s cock that was poised above her cunt mound seemed to vibrate with desire, bobbing up and down, eager to be inside her vagina. With slow deliberation, still fixing her with his firm, kind glaze, the handsome black man knelt between her legs as if worshipping at an altar, pausing to contemplate her pussy with a kaleidoscope of emotions playing on his brown face. Sally was hypnotized. She saw desire in his eyes, and passion, and admiration for her beauty and glowing health, and regret that this evening of breeding her would not last forever. Then he drove his hips forward and pierced the entrance to her cunt with his long, black cock. ?Aaaaahh,? she screeched and then ?Ohhhh? as the air was knocked out of her lungs by his hard thrust to the hilt into her pussy. Their fucking was long and lusty, with much grinding together of torsos and grunting as the sexual energy built in their bodies. The other black gentlemen sitting opposite had a good view of the sex machine in operation. Griff and Joey, one of the camera crew, set up cameras in the ornately furnished living room and began recording the action.Sally only had eyes for Nathaniel. Everything about him thrilled her, as if she were living out a dark fantasy that had lurked in her female mind for years but never acknowledged until now. His sweet dusky odor and muscular arms and thighs filled her senses. The banging of his pubic mound against her clitoris sent thrilling shots of sexual electricity throughout her loins. But his penis! The stories must be true. Its length and girth filled her up as never before and became a raging ferret running up and down the length of her vagina to drive her arousal to new heights.Nathaniel?s strokes speeded up and then he stopped, holding his cock as deep as he could in Sally?s cunt, his head thrown back and his breathing quick. His cock was spurting his life giving seed into Sally?s unprotected cunt while Sally?s legs shook with another orgasm. She could actually feel his penis shooting its gobs of semen at the dimple in her cervix, and it made her tingle all over. Harry had a bird?s eye view of Sally?s first breeding, and it made him hot. As the two on the couch relaxed for a moment, he stripped, sat down beside Sally, and pulled her onto his lap and his erect penis. For a short wiry man, Harry?s cock was a monster, and he took no pains to ensure Sally?s pleasure as he rocked her back and forth on his lap while the cameras did close ups of her pussy lips clutching at his prick. ?This is still a photo shoot? Sally thought to herself, realizing only now that Griff probably had this whole day planned and had manipulated her into this final session, being bred by black men.Harry was a sexual athlete and determined to show off Sally in all the sex positions he liked. From the cowgirl on his lap, he turned her around into a reverse cowgirl and embraced her tightly so the camera at a low angle could see her freshly shaved cunt full of his long black manhood. It surged up into the clutch of her coral labia, framed between her long graceful legs. Her breasts heaved with the exertion of bouncing up and down on his cock, and he turned her face toward his for a deep tongue kiss.Then Harry slid down on his side behind Sally and pulled her right leg up to rest on the back of the couch. Her cunt thus exposed, he slid the pink arrow head of his cock back into the warm, wet confines of Sally?s pussy and resumed vigorous thrusting. Nathaniel and Sammy loved it as the ageless act of love and lust unfolded once more in front of them. They never tired of it. The convulsions of the penis as it delivered its load of cum inside Sally?s pussy.Harry finished off Sally in the missionary position, still exploring her mouth with his tongue and pounding his cock harder and faster and deeper into her cunt. His long black scrotum banged against Sally?s asshole with each thrust. ?Ooohhhhhh. Aahhhhhh. Mmmmmphf? she moaned as she reached another climax. She felt Harry?s cum shoot from his penis into her vagina with all the little black swimmers in his semen eager to fight their way into her womb, and her mind went blank. A massive orgasm shook her torso and her eyes rolled back in her head. ?Aaaaaggghhh. Huh huh huh ?. aaaaahhh? she cried and then sobbed ?Oh oh ooh? as Harry withdrew his penis and rolled off her. Sammy had a sense of occasion, and took his time removing his expensive suit and underwear, rising from his chair and stepping slowly towards Sally on the sofa, his long black cock with its massive mushroom head waggling between his plump brown thighs and sticking straight out and up beyond his large belly to announce to her its intention of invading her intimate body. Leaning across her body, he retrieved a broad leather strap from an umbrella stand beside the sofa. He pulled her down onto the plush oriental rug and flipped her onto her hands and knees. He rubbed the broad pink head of his cock up and down her pussy slit now peeking at him between her ample buttocks and inserted it firmly with a grunt of satisfaction. Then he picked up the strap.Sammy?s career in the lumber business had not been easy. Many barriers had to be overcome before he found himself in control, able to create circumstances to suit himself. A third wife and selfish daughters had brought him to see at least some women as needing punishment. He began to mock Sally as laid the first red stripe across her left buttock. ?So you?ve let yourself be bred by black cocks, you slut. So naive. So easily led on.?Sally was furious at this suggestion, but the strap continued to bite into her ass as Sammy?s cock continued its plundering of her vagina, now very moist and oozing with two men?s cum that formed a white froth on the black shaft of his cock. He dropped the strap and leaned forward to grab her breasts, slapping them and pinching the nipples, first one breast and then the other. His hand slipped from her breast to her clitoris which drove her heart rate higher and higher as her body responded.?Griff? he called over. ?Get your cock into her mouth. Let her taste your cock before you bang her. That?s OK, isn?t it, Nathaniel? Griff is a member of our group.? Nathaniel nodded and said to Griff, ?You know you can invite one guest to a breeding with my approval. I assume that will be Joey. He has the biggest blackest cock of all of us.?They all laughed, except Sally. Griff nodded. ?Yeah. Joey and I are getting really hot watching you all filling Sally?s sweet pussy full of cum. So we?re going to have her right on the carpet so she can feel our cocks pounding her ass into the hard floor and feel us cumming inside her pussy and adding our own seed to the mix of sperm in her cunt.?Nathaniel nodded his approval, and so it was. After a few more strokes with the strap on her ass, Sammy?s running cock in Sally?s cunt exploded with semen that leaked past his cock shaft and down her pussy to drip on the carpet. Griff followed suit with another load, and Joey flipped her onto her back to give her his essence in the traditional missionary position. By now, her numbed mind was a haze, wondering who would fuck her next and in what positions. She hoped the others would forget about the cane. They did. The breeding was enjoyable enough. Sally lay exhausted on the floor. The others wearily climbed back into their clothes and found a thick furry robe to put around Sally?s shoulders as they led her back to the limousine. She slept on the drive home.EpilogueTwo years later, Sally was relaxing on a summer beach, nude, after a vigorous swim. Close by where she left the beach blanket and picnic basket, a little boy ran nude across the sand, laughing and giggling as he chased the gulls. Sally thought back to how it had all worked out for her in the end, how she had agreed to do unthinkable things in front of a camera, ?just to get started? in the business. The photo shoot, after all, had paid well. Griff put her in touch with other producers, so she had built a lucrative career in nude modelling. She was very happy and still saw her son on these occasional visits, the boy?s foster parents hovering in the background. In fact, she had called Griff and asked about another black breeding session.The End.AcknowledgementsMany thanks to handyandy for the photos of Sally and the inspiration to create this story.
04-06-2021, at 11:39 PM

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